It’s impossible to deny that the COVID- 19 pandemic has changed our world in many ways. However, the one constant has been Bernicker, Eiger & Lang’s ability to provide high-quality, client-focused service.
This pandemic hit hard and for BEL, we not only had to transition to working remotely, we had to do it smack in the middle to our busiest time: tax season. Luckily for us, we had technology already in place that would prove to be invaluable: our Client Portal.
The Portal provided clients a safe and secure way to get BEL their tax documents. As a result, we seamlessly continued preparing client tax returns. Again, using the Portal, we were able to get completed tax documents returned to our clients. And, esignature software truly let our clients put their mark on their tax forms. BEL was able to file tax returns as quickly as possible. For those clients receiving tax refunds, speed was of the essence.
Early client feedback on the Portal was very positive. This was a good sign that even though BEL professionals were working from home, we were open for business! (Yes, our staff did get to enjoy some cool conversations while assisting our clients as they maneuvered through the process.)
So, what’s the takeaway?
- Although BEL professionals were able to work remotely during our busiest time of year, we were all in this together.
- The Client Portal was a terrific way to transfer tax documents in a secure, safe manner.
- Esignature software really inked the deal in digitally enabling our tax season.
The BEL team stepped up and helped our clients during this stressful time and maybe even got to know some of them a little better. That’s a win-win as far as we’re concerned.